Source code for irlc.ex01.agent

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  [Her21] Tue Herlau. Sequential decision making. (See 02465_Notes.pdf), 2021.
# from line_profiler_pycharm import profile
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from irlc.utils.common import load_time_series, log_time_series
from irlc.utils.irlc_plot import existing_runs
import shutil
# Main agent class. See for further details. for additional details.
from gym import Env

[docs]class Agent: """ Main agent class. See (Her21, Subsection 4.4.3) for additional details. :Example: >>> print("Hello World") "Hello world" .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} y & = & ax^2 + bx + c \\\\ f(x) & = & x^2 + 2xy + y^2 \\end{eqnarray} """
[docs] def __init__(self, env: Env): """ Instantiate the Agent class. Args: env: An openai gym Environment instance. """ self.env = env
[docs] def pi(self, s, k=None): """ Evaluate the Agent's policy at time step `k` in state `s` The details will differ depending on whether the agent interacts in a discrete-time or continous-time setting. - For discrete application (dynamical programming/search and reinforcement learning), k is discrete k=0, 1, 2, ... - For control applications, k is continious and denote simulation time t, i.e. it should be called as > agent.pi(x, t) :param s: Current state :param k: Current time index. :return: action """ return self.env.action_space.sample()
[docs] def train(self, s, a, r, sp, done=False): """ Called at each step of the simulation after a = pi(s,k) and environment transition to sp. Allows the agent to learn from experience :param s: Current state x_k :param a: Action taken :param r: Reward obtained by taking action a_k in x_k :param sp: The state that the environment transitioned to :math:`{\\bf x}_{k+1}` :param done: Whether environment terminated when transitioning to sp :return: None """ pass
def __str__(self): """ Optional: A unique name for this agent. Used for labels when plotting, but can be kept like this. """ return super().__str__()
[docs] def extra_stats(self): """ Optional: Can be used to record extra information from the Agent while training. You can safely ignore this method, it will only be used for control theory to create nicer plots """ return {}
[docs] def hello(self, greeting: str) -> str: """ The canonical hello world example. A *longer* description with some **RST**. Args: greeting: The person to say hello to. Returns: str: The greeting """ return f"{greeting} {}"
fields = ('time', 'state', 'action', 'reward') Trajectory = namedtuple('Trajectory', fields + ("env_info",))
[docs]def train(env, agent=None, experiment_name=None, num_episodes=1, verbose=True, reset=True, max_steps=1e10, max_runs=None, return_trajectory=False, # Return the current trajectories as a list resume_stats=None, # Resume stat collection from last save. None implies same as saveload_model log_interval=1, # Only log every log_interval steps. Reduces size of log files. delete_old_experiments=False, ): """ Implement the main training loop, see (Her21, Subsection 4.4.4). Simulate the interaction between agent `agent` and the environment `env`. The function has a lot of special functionality, so it is useful to consider the common cases. An example: >>> stats, _ = train(env, agent, num_episodes=2) Simulate interaction for two episodes (i.e. environment terminates two times and is reset). `stats` will be a list of length two containing information from each run >>> stats, trajectories = train(env, agent, num_episodes=2, return_Trajectory=True) `trajectories` will be a list of length two containing information from the two trajectories. >>> stats, _ = train(env, agent, experiment_name='experiments/my_run', num_episodes=2) Save `stats`, and trajectories, to a file which can easily be loaded/plotted (see course software for examples of this). The file will be time-stamped so using several calls you can repeat the same experiment (run) many times. >>> stats, _ = train(env, agent, experiment_name='experiments/my_run', num_episodes=2, max_runs=10) As above, but do not perform more than 10 runs. Useful for repeated experiments. :param env: Environment (Gym instance) :param agent: Agent instance :param experiment_name: Save outcome to file for easy plotting (Optional) :param num_episodes: Number of episodes to simulate :param verbose: Display progress bar :param reset: Call env.reset() before simulation start. :param max_steps: Terminate if this many steps have elapsed (for non-terminating environments) :param max_runs: Maximum number of repeated experiments (requires `experiment_name`) :param return_trajectory: Return trajectories list (Off by default since it might consume lots of memory) :param resume_stats: Resume stat collection from last run (requires `experiment_name`) :param log_interval: Log stats less frequently :param delete_old_experiment: Delete old experiment with the same name :return: stats, trajectories (both as lists) """ from irlc import cache_write from irlc import cache_read saveload_model = False temporal_policy = None save_stats = True if agent is None: print("[train] No agent was specified. Using irlc.Agent(env) (random actions)") agent = Agent(env) if delete_old_experiments and experiment_name is not None and os.path.isdir(experiment_name): shutil.rmtree(experiment_name) if experiment_name is not None and max_runs is not None and existing_runs(experiment_name) >= max_runs: stats, recent = load_time_series(experiment_name=experiment_name) if return_trajectory: trajectories = cache_read(recent+"/trajectories.pkl") else: trajectories = [] return stats, trajectories stats = [] steps = 0 ep_start = 0 resume_stats = saveload_model if resume_stats is None else resume_stats recent = None if resume_stats: stats, recent = load_time_series(experiment_name=experiment_name) if recent is not None: ep_start, steps = stats[-1]['Episode']+1, stats[-1]['Steps'] if temporal_policy is None: a = inspect.getfullargspec(agent.pi) temporal_policy = len(a.args) >= 3 # does the policy include a time step? trajectories = [] include_metadata = len(inspect.getfullargspec(agent.train).args) >= 7 break_outer = False with tqdm(total=num_episodes, disable=not verbose, file=sys.stdout) as tq: for i_episode in range(num_episodes): if break_outer: break if reset or i_episode > 0: s = env.reset() elif hasattr(env, "s"): s = env.s elif hasattr(env, 'state'): s = env.state else: s = env.model.s time = 0 reward = [] trajectory = Trajectory(time=[], state=[], action=[], reward=[], env_info=[]) for _ in itertools.count(): a = agent.pi(s,time) if temporal_policy else agent.pi(s) sp, r, done, metadata = env.step(a) if not include_metadata: agent.train(s, a, r, sp, done) else: agent.train(s, a, r, sp, done, metadata) if return_trajectory: trajectory.time.append(np.asarray(time)) trajectory.state.append(s) trajectory.action.append(a) trajectory.reward.append(np.asarray(r)) trajectory.env_info.append(metadata) reward.append(r) steps += 1 time += metadata['dt'] if 'dt' in metadata else 1 if done or steps >= max_steps: trajectory.state.append(sp) trajectory.time.append(np.asarray(time)) break_outer = steps >= max_steps break s = sp if return_trajectory: try: trajectory = Trajectory(**{field: np.stack([np.asarray(x_) for x_ in getattr(trajectory, field)]) for field in fields}, env_info=trajectory.env_info) except Exception as e: pass trajectories.append(trajectory) stats.append({"Episode": i_episode + ep_start, "Accumulated Reward": sum(reward), "Average Reward": np.mean(reward), "Length": len(reward), "Steps": steps, **agent.extra_stats()}) if (i_episode+1) % log_interval == 0 else None tq.set_postfix(ordered_dict=OrderedDict(list(OrderedDict(stats[-1]).items() )[:5] )) if len(stats) > 0 else None tq.update() # print(i_episode) sys.stderr.flush() if resume_stats and save_stats and recent is not None: os.remove(recent+"/log.txt") if experiment_name is not None and save_stats: path = log_time_series(experiment=experiment_name, list_obs=stats) if return_trajectory: cache_write(trajectories, path+"/trajectories.pkl") print(f"Training completed. Logging {experiment_name}: '{', '.join( stats[0].keys()) }'") for i, t in enumerate(trajectories): from collections import defaultdict nt = defaultdict(lambda: []) if "supersample" in t.env_info[0]: for f in fields: for k, ei in enumerate(t.env_info): z = ei['supersample'].__getattribute__(f).T if k == 0: pass else: z = z[1:] nt[f].append(z) # traj = Trajectory(time=np.concatenate(nt['time']), state= for f in fields: nt[f] = np.concatenate([z for z in nt[f]],axis=0) # nt[f] = np.concatenate( [ei['supersample'].__getattribute__(f) for ei in t.env_info] , axis=0) traj2 = Trajectory(**nt, env_info=[]) trajectories[i] = traj2 # .__setattr__(f, nt[f]) return stats, trajectories